You’ve Been Hit by a Dump Truck or Large Gravel Hauler; Now What do You do Now?

Have you or a loved one been hit by a dump truck >or a large 18-wheeler gravel hauler? If you have and the wreck was not your fault, it is quite possible that negligence by the driver or his employer was present. In this event, you or your loved one is probably dealing with severe and possibly life-threatening injuries after this catastrophe.truck accident attorneys dallas

Serious injuries that create huge medical bills and probably an almost unbearable level of pain are the likely results of this unfortunate and very untimely incident. And as recovery begins, you won’t be able to work; maybe for a long time. This means you’re also suffering lost wages and are having a hard time paying your regular bills, in addition to not being able to care for your family as you should. This creates even further stress and drama in your lives as you try to figure out how to get out of this predicament, recover from your injuries as best you can (or deal with a permanent disability), and be fairly compensated for your tragic misfortune. And if this needless wreck took that loved one from you, how does your family pick up the pieces and move on with your lives, free from the burden of paying for a mountain of medical and funeral bills? Yes, all this weight you and your family must now bear because someone else was negligent can be life-shattering.

Large dump trucks and gravel haulers always seem to be in a hurry, carrying their earthen loads from a construction zone to wherever they are to dump them; then scurry back to the construction site again to pick up more. In a single day, they can carry as many as seven or eight loads between locations. And did we say they are in a hurry? Make that in a HURRY! On freeways, they always seem to be going five to 15 miles per hour faster than the flow of traffic. On streets and boulevards, they blow through intersections and rush to-and-fro like they’re “hell-bent for Texas.” And when’s the last time you saw a dump truck or gravel hauler that didn’t look like it had been to war and back? Most of them look like they’ve been “rode hard and put away wet.” In other words, many of them don’t look very safe. And truth be told, a lot of them aren’t.

If you have been injured by one of these blundering vehicles or if a loved one was injured or killed in one, the dump truck accident lawyers of our Law Firm are fully capable and prepared to help you. For decades we have won many judgments for our clients and have litigated hundreds of commercial trucking accidents on behalf of our injured victims and their families. We know that right now you’re in pain, dealing with a lot of stress, and struggling to hold up under the additional financial weight you must bear after being involved in one of these horrible accidents.

We’ll be honest with you. There are many challenges you are about to face in your quest to seek just compensation for your injuries. And they can often be just as arduous as the injuries, pain, and stress caused by the wreck itself. You will discover – hopefully, for your sake, sooner-than-later, that you need experienced legal help to successfully fight for your rights. This is why our Law Firm feels it is so important for you to know every one of the legal avenues available so that you can take the right action to win just and fair restitution for your injuries, pain, and suffering, lost income, and other rightful damages.

Our Law Firm of Carabin Shaw has decades of experience handling personal injury litigation in dump truck and gravel hauler accident cases. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured by one of these road monsters, our expertise significantly increases your odds to receive the fairest compensation possible for the injuries and pain you have suffered. We’ve helped deliver millions of dollars to hundreds of accident victims in Texas. So if you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident anywhere in Texas, our experienced accident lawyers can win the best compensation possible for you.

Call us today at 1(800) 862-1260 (toll-free) for a free consultation to begin your road to total recovery so you and your family can resume your life.