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18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers

Injured 18-wheeler accident victims, as the plaintiff in any legal case, must determine whether the negligent truck driver caused the wreck, if a mechanical malfunction might be responsible, or if someone else like that outsourced road maintenance provider played an important part. Many different contributing factors can abruptly lead an 18-wheeler to enter your life. The company that owned the cargo may have failed to load it properly or didn’t properly secure the cargo. This made it shift or break free during transport and toppled the trailer’s contents onto your vehicle. Or the transport company’s route planner was negligent in sending the truck into an area not zoned for hazardous cargo if the truck that hit you was carrying a hazardous load. It didn’t belong where you were at the time. More on this Web-Page
Many other negligent acts may have caused this wreck. Rare is when we see an open-and-shut 18-wheeler injury accident case. This is why it is in your best interests to harness the expertise of a big rig trucking wreck lawyer who will make sure that all the liable parties for your injuries from that truck accident are held responsible for your injuries, pain, and suffering lost wages as well as the damage to (or replacement of) your vehicle and its contents.

A legal concept in Texas law called “respondent superior” states that employers of those found liable for the wreck are ultimately responsible for the actions or inaction of their employees. So when you have been hurt in an 18-wheeler wreck, determining everyone responsible for the accident is the first thing that must be done. Finding those responsible leads to identifying legally liable parties for your injuries and property damage. Got Injured In An Accident – CALL SHAW

In many 18-wheeler accidents, multiple parties may be liable for damages, and there can be more than one defendant, especially when our investigators uncover instances of respondent superior where an employee made a mistake that contributed to your serious 18-wheeler accident injuries. To win your claim among several likely defendants, you need an experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyer on your side who also can investigate the scene of an accident and determine who is (and isn’t) liable. Hence, you know the right defendants to sue. This investigation is over and above the normal local or state law enforcement investigations. Though those investigations mostly reveal the primary responsible parties, they often stop short of the type of examination by experienced truck accident lawyers and their investigators. These “drill-down” investigations reveal every liable party and the degree of responsibility each party played in the accident. Occasionally, our investigations bring other case facts to light that law officials miss. We pass them along for further action if they feel it is warranted. We then go a step further by investigating every liable defendant’s assets. It’s not very fruitful to sue someone who can’t afford to pay your damages or doesn’t have the insurance to compensate you for them. We know what every defendant is worth and learn that quickly.