Our Law Firm is one of the oldest and most respected plaintiff’s personal injury firms in Texas. For over 20 years our dog attack attorneys have dealt with dog bite and dog attack cases involving serious injuries and fatalities. They have secured judgments for their clients that have provided compensation for their medical expenses and the distress they have suffered.
Our dog attack attorneys are committed to a thorough and accurate investigation for any client on whose behalf we undertake representation. Unlike most personal injury firms, we employ a full-time investigative staff to thoroughly investigate every reasonable dog bite claim. In cases involving dog bites or dog attacks, gathering the facts and evidence as soon as possible can be critical to the success of a case. We offer prospective clients unparalleled resources to accomplish the necessary investigation. More info on this website
When we accept a dog attack case, a partner in the firm assumes responsibility for the case and assembles a legal team of attorneys, investigators, paralegals, and other staff to investigate and research the case. We strive to understand all that occurred in the attack, to carefully assess the evidence, the circumstances of the attack, and all other relevant information.
Immediate investigation after a dog bite or dog attack is extremely important. Unfortunately, many people who own a dangerous dog do not have the financial resources to pay for the damage that their dog has caused. Our dog bite attorneys conduct a thorough investigation to determine all who share responsibility for the dog. More on this website
Pir dog attack attorneys seek to relieve you of anxiety and uncertainty about your case. We will look first at your medical needs, to be sure that you are getting the medical and psychological care that you need. We work closely with you to make sure we understand your needs and concerns, and to see that these are addressed so that you can be completely focused on treatment and recovery.
The most helpful service our dog attack lawyers can render to you is to prosecute your case aggressively, helping you achieve the fairest monetary result we can obtain. While you or your child are receiving medical care and are recovering, you may not feel ready to have your case resolved, yet an investigation needs to be underway. Our investigative staff can obtain factual statements from witnesses, and other essential information, leaving you to focus on your recovery and return to the quality of life you enjoyed before the attack.