Should I Hire An Attorney To Represent Me And My Family After A Fatal Automobile Accident?
Simple automobile accidents are complicated at best. Whose vehicle hit whose, who was speeding, who was talking on a cellphone at the time of the crash, who had an alcohol content in their blood, who has a police history of car accidents or fatalities, who is responsible for whose property damages, etc. When the automobile accident involves a fatality, the complications are exaggerated many times over and there should not be any hesitation to engage the services of a competent attorney to represent you and your family members.
Insurance companies are in business to make and keep the money they receive in paid premiums from everyday people who desire coverage on things such as their homes, vehicles, boats, and other types of possessions they consider of value. For sure these individual paid premiums are not normally in the high dollar figure range that insurance companies receive from trucking companies who pay out millions of dollars for coverage on their fleets of trucks. However, because of the known and documented damage and destruction 18-wheelers can do to human lives and in the way of property damage, the law mandates that trucking companies carry a substantial amount of insurance coverage. It doesn’t matter whether an insurance carrier deals with homeowners or the big trucking companies, the insurance company’s main reason for being in business is the increase its profit margin. Some people are of the mistaken opinion that insurance companies exist solely for the purpose of covering the losses of their policyholders. Nothing could be further from the truth. Insurance companies hate to pay out money in recovery claims and they will do whatever it takes to deny you your right to a legitimate claim or to reduce the amount to be paid to you. More on this website
Without legal representation, an insurance agent will attempt to befriend you but their reason is one of greed only and no other reason. The opportunity to catch you off guard in a moment of emotion and trick you into admitting something that will aid the insurance agent in denying your claim is what they are about. After a fatal automobile accident, you and your family should retain the services of a competent and expert attorney immediately. Not just any attorney will do but an attorney who is adept at this specific area of the law and an attorney who has a proven track record. Call our Law Office and you won’t be sorry. We have twenty (20) years of winning courtroom experience and an equally impressive staff of associates who know how to get the job done.
Some serious indicators that should tell that you need the services of a competent litigant and that your legal rights may be deliberately compromised are:
The driver(s) of the other vehicle in the fatality are being evasive with their answers.
The Insurance Adjusters is badgering you with questions to include your family members and questions about the fatality.
The Insurance Adjusters or Agents are asking permission to record your statement.
The Insurance Adjusters or Agents are already talking financial settlement–if only you will sign on the dotted line.
The financial settlement offered doesn’t seem to be fair or adequate for an automobile fatality.
At least one of the other drivers is uninsured and at least one of the other drivers is, supposedly, insured by an insurance company whose name is unfamiliar.
You are feeling very uncomfortable about the direction of the insurance investigation and/or the way your insurance claim is being addressed.
The most damaging and very real threat to a fair and equitable financial recovery is your insurance adjuster. The main reason is that insurance adjusters are aggressive and because they prey on emotions. Insurance adjusters care nothing about your recent loss or that you are grief-stricken other than using these emotions you are feeling to take advantage of the situation you find yourself in. Insurance adjusters have even been known to hurry to the emergency room or to a hospital room with pen and paper in hand in an attempt to get you to sign your legal rights away with an offer of one of two thousand dollars which they know your legal recovery claim is worth much more. Insurance adjusters also try to get to you while you are in an emotional state before you have had time to consider retaining legal counsel. Many people make the mistake of making decisions while in their state of emotion and they later regret it for the rest of their lives. Insurance companies don’t care about you or your tears or your heartache. They just want to get your signature on the dotted line in an attempt to terminate your rights to a lawsuit. Don’t do it. Call our Law Office toll-free. The telephone call is free and so is the initial legal consultation.